Photography Session Reservation


Need to book a session? Please send us an inquiry email to

We are currently open for professional photographers and their clients to have photo sessions at our farm.

The fee is $55 per hour (up to 5 people including the photographers). Additional people are $15 per person. The fee needs to be received by Groluv Farm at least 7 days before the photo session. If you would like to have flowers for the photo session, place your order through “Shop” and leave a note indicating the flowers are for the photo session.

Request to Reschedule or Request for a Refund will only be honored if the reason is due to bad weather conditions (e.g., rain storms, extreme heat).

Please note that we DO NOT provide public restrooms.

AGREEMENT: The photographer must send a copy of his/her liability insurance to Groluv strives to maintain a safe environment at the farm to ensure everyone can have a safe and healthy visit. However, Groluv Farm’s property will expose people to hazards such as (but not limited to) uneven walking surfaces, dust, overhead tree branches, ditches, ponds, wild animals, insects, tools, and equipment. By booking a photo session at Groluv Farm, you (the photographer) agree to assume full responsibility for all risks of any and every kind involved with or arising from your photo session on Groluv Farm’s property.

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